Saturday, June 14, 2014

Fathers Day

Hi Maggie,

Meeting the plastic surgeon, buying supplies - it all seems like it's happening too fast.  Yet I acknowledge your comment about two months being too long.  Time can be a bit schizophrenic. How are you doing? How is your husband doing?

There was a story in the Bible about Abraham, maybe, telling his wife to sleep with Pharoah, maybe.  And in school, Sister told us it was not a sin for the woman.  She was simply being obedient.  And I remember being told that Dad was God's voice in the family.  So we have sacred contracts with each other, but religion changes it, makes it something different.

I was thinking about the sinless woman, and it seems that maybe it's not that she was sinless, but that she was a commodity.  And that truth is hidden in religion.

And as I write, it is almost midnight, almost Father's Day.  I really don't celebrate the Hallmark holidays.  But I have an especially hard time with Father's Day.  I have a hard time thinking back with nostalgia or joy. The commercials just make me uncomfortable. 

Anyway, I am exhausted. I went dancing tonight - contra!!

Hope you are relaxed and resting.

Love from Clare

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