Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Hey Maggie, 

I think that when we are sick, we are vulnerable, we are soft and open to grace.  I think maybe one of the honors of being a parent is taking care of sick children. They are some of the most tender memories I cherish.

Hmmmm...might have been fun to show up at Mom and Dad's with a dozen young adults. Just thinking...

I am busy waiting for the snow to melt and wondering if it truly will. I am going to plant some seeds for the garden - here in the house, so my melons and cucumbers have a head start.  I am living in the future, anticipating gardens.  I always get develop this image of a perfect garden in my head.  Then I realize it is silly, because everything does not bloom and/or ripen at the same time.  Kind of like life. Things progress and happen in progressions. And we have to trust.

I feel like changes are happening around me, quickly. I feel like storms bring the changes. I have almost finished reading Flight Behavior, and have begun understanding - less logically and more emotionally - that climate change is not only real, but drastically real and everything will be drastically different.  It's not that things are going to shake up a little and go back to normal...which is what I realized I have been waiting for. Things will never go back. We will have chaos and then there will be a new normal.

Coming home, passing over the high point in the fog, seeing the torrents of rain ripping at the road...I suddenly felt it inside my being.  The normal will be ripped away and we will have to settle into a new normal...if we survive.

I have been seeing it in relationships, too. It's a way to remember, to be forced to acknowledge, that we are connected to the Earth. We are part of it and the changes are going to reflect in our lives in so many ways.

I think now is the time of testing our faith and our connection. Can we ride the flow?  Relax and hang on? Trust that we are where we need to be? 

I hope so...

I know trust is centered in the heart chakra.  Faith.  Whatever happens is meant to happen and I simply have to surrender as gracefully as possible.  I have been working on softening. And I think the time is upon us...we are going for a riiiide!

Love and hugs and faith and trust...


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