Monday, April 14, 2014


And it's here. The eclipse is tonight. We were hit with a quick, violent downpour late this afternoon.  The temps are supposed to drop rapidly tomorrow, giving us the gift of frozen ice balls then snow.  Snow!!  Again.  I suppose I am relieved that my flowers have not blossomed yet.

My middle-of-the-night baby-self is still with me. She has very dark circles under her eyes - like a sick or allergic child.  I remember Grandma always had bags under her eyes.  I have them, too.  By Chinese facial diagnosis, it means weak kidneys.  Kidneys are tied to the will to live.

For some reason, I have been thinking about the end of her life, when she was blind and deaf.  She really checked out as much as possible. The possibility frightens me...

How are things at  your house?

In typical American fashion, I got low on groceries and started making a grocery list. It suddenly hit me how unsustainable that is.  When the kids were young, when we had the farm, I had a productive veggie garden. My best year I canned and froze enough vegetables to get us to February.  That was not good enough.

If everything is going to break down, the systems are going to collapse, we have to be able to eat all year round...

I'm taking a course on the Nordic diet.  They are asking us to eat less meat, more vegetables, more berries and roots.  They are encouraging us to forage for a percentage of our food.  (I need to learn the mushrooms around me...)  And we need to eat more nuts.

I'm thinking about gourmet peasant food!

Good luck getting through the eclipse.  I'll catch you tomorrow!

Sending love and Light,


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