Friday, April 4, 2014

A long week

We are hiding behind our plastic facades…
maybe it's make up, maybe tattoos, maybe piercings, maybe fat…
but we are camouflaging ourselves to not bee truly seen.

When did we learn that being ourselves was evil? Why do we think conformity is the norm?
Conformity does allow survival of the herd…
I am thinking of zebras against the lions...
but the individual either loses its own identity or gets killed as it strays along the fringes.
I am asking myself, Would I rather die a long, slow, emotionally paralyzed death or just get taken down by the predator? I am not sure the answer I would choose…
except that I would offer a third alternative, Would I rather stray and be myself, with the potential of death, but also the potential of true living…
that's my choice…
now I need to find the courage to follow that.

The dreams are interesting the West Coast…does that symbolize new life…or for you picking up a lost part of your present life?
The permanent record is priceless…you are the keeper of your own history…
only you are responsible for it, and the past's effects on your present life. I love the nun delivering it to you…I hope she didn't have a ruler in her hand.

The insights into animal behaviors make me stop and think. We are confused, disconnected…
we don't know how to be really human any more…
and it's been generations since we actually lived with the land…
you do a good job of that though…I guess the wisdom is there if we choose to access it.

I am tired from being up with my son…
he is better…
back to school today.
The week was good for us...
we talked about respectful communication and that I expect him to speak respectfully to me…
he can think what he wants, but not say it aloud…
I told him it is good training for when her has a partner in life…
no woman or man would stay around being talked to the way he has to me in the recent past…
he seemed to appreciate the message.

I am off to the office.
I have met such strong women at this office…
most of whom have stories similar ours…
and they are fighting for their lives…
I am blessed to see this side of humanity.

Love and Light Clare,

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