Saturday, April 19, 2014

Rye bread

Happy Easter,

We decorated  eggs today.  My eastern kids were all here, as well as my eastern grandkids.  I made a  zombie chicken from an egg that cracked while boiling and had some "brains" protruding.  There was some photo sharing with the west coast kids. 

Tomorrow everyone will be out and about on other adventures. Holidays change when children are adults.  I may have my two daughters here for dinner.  I'll definitely have the youngest.  My granddaughter and I will spend the afternoon with a close friend.  Life changes...

I don't really associate sweet rolls with holidays. I remember Mom making them occasionally, but they seem to have been more important to you. I associate the holidays more with the Swedish rye bread, in the round loaves.  I usually make it for most holidays and sometimes just because.  I associate it with turkey sandwiches after the big meal.  Toasting it takes me back to a warm place - it is a comfort food for me.  I make it with wholegrain and blackstrap - but it feels the same!

It is funny that we associate foods with holidays.  Easter always reminds me that only Dad liked black jelly beans, so we used to pick all of ours out and take them to him.  And it seems like no matter what the holiday, Dad would be up before dawn putting a turkey in the oven. 

When I think back to Easter, I remember we each got a hollow rabbit.  We each got a huge cream filled egg, then we got masses of small candy.  I never gave my kids that much sugar.  When I think back, I wonder how we tolerated that much.  It is amazing.  I gave my kids kites and sunglasses and baseball hats rather than chocolate rabbits.  We really limited the candy, comparatively speaking.

I wonder how the holidays got so tied to sugar overdosing!

Swamped sweet rolls...go ahead and dunk them in your coffee.  I remember Pop asking you once, while watching you dunk food, if you had to drown everything before eating it...

Have a lovely Easter Day with your family.  Think loving thoughts.

Love from Clare

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