Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Exhausted and restless

I spent ten years with no electricity. I know most of the plants that grow here. I have a lot of useful skills.  I do know I want my family with me.  Why survive if everyone else is gone?  But, maybe when the time comes, we have a stronger will to survive than we could possibly imagine.

Went for two walks today. Took the dogs out after I was finished at my desk, because I thought I would explode if I didn't get out in the sunshine.  After dinner my daughter asked if I wanted to go for a walk with her and the baby, to try to tire the baby out.  So we leashed up the dogs again, and we went out to breathe fresh air.  It felt good.  I am feeling so hopeful - that the flowers will return, that the gardens will be productive and healthy and vibrant and nourishing on every level...that I can go barefoot soon.

And now, both dogs are curled up together in the big recliner.

When I was out, I didn't find any daffodils or tulips pushing through.  I wonder if the extreme cold killed them.  I did find daylilies and irises and vinca.  So, spring is coming...I heard the red-winged blackbirds. They sing summer to my soul.

So we are expecting two eclipses this month.  As I have noted repeatedly here, an eclipse usually brings some unwanted, but desperately needed information or insight. I'm gaining some resolve - just sit back and let it happen.  Just keep my mind open and see what the universe has to present this time.

The Earth is working on finding balance.  We had two earthquakes this week.  And we had the rampaging waters that weren't worth reporting, which means that there must have been violent extremes many places.

I thought your image of sinking in the Subaru was poetically appropriate. I don't have a car.  I'm a pain in everybody else's butt, but there's nothing to sink me in!

The restlessness continues.  I am tired, but I have things to do.  So let me face them, then maybe I can rest.

How is your boy? How is our sister?

Love and hugs and such,


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