Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Sorry for my brief absence…
I am once again having issues with my son…
this time it is the youngest one.

Saturday night he was not where he was supposed to be…he got picked up by an older girl and they went to her house to get high…
then on Sunday I found a burnt joint in his coat pocket…
and while we were discussing it husband found a credit card bill for over $300 for a card that I rarely use…turns out he took it and bought food, gas, etc for older friends after school…probably in exchange for cigarettes and/or pot…

I just walked into the bathroom while he was showering because it smelled of smoke…not sure if it was cigarette or pot…it doesn't really matter…both are bad for him…what the heck am I going to do with this kid? And his brother who comes home almost everyday smelling of smoke? I don't know how to stop this…it's out of control at this point.

I think that you are on to something…that our environmental issues are about wanting more and more electricity…and convenience…we are getting so lazy that we don;t even care that we are heading for extinction.
So, how do we get off the grid?
What does that kind of life look like?
I had never considered bird migration…or fish spawning (actually I have heard about fish ladders and hydroelectric plants)…or toxic solar panels….
we really have lost touch with our interconnectedness.

What a strange perspective, watching the world spin out of control. Occasional reports of disasters that make us afraid.
I saw the Facebook post about protestors in DC against the XL pipeline and the media blackout for it…I got comments about how stupid it is to protest this…but no one mentioned the lack of media coverage…we are being controlled…and we are sheep. I read a legislative press release about several crude oil spills in PA recently…I haven't heard about them in any of the press.

We are sheep.
Love and Light,

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