Sunday, March 2, 2014

pondering violation

Wow…that kind of logic just floors me…
and makes me nauseous.
So rape is justified if abortion is legal.

For some reason I am thinking of the forced abortions and sterilizations in China…
and their discarding of female infants because of their single child policies.
I would like to ask the congressman if it matters if it is a female or male fetus…
would that change his considerations?

Conservative rhetoric makes me physically ill…
the way that violation is used to justify another violation…
it's a sick circuitous pattern that is used to confuse and make people agree to because most are sheep wanting to be led.

I, too have had friends who have chosen abortion…
and it was very difficult for them as well.
I used to work for Planned Parenthood, back in my Catholic days, and spoke with women in follow up visits, after their procedure. Not one of them was ever at ease with the decision…it was the best they could do, under the circumstances…we all make decisions like that…with no clear right or wrong…just options.

I saw a 13 year old boy yesterday who has been in foster care since birth…
so confused and angry…
I would never say that his life isn't valuable…
but what if?
That makes me feel like a monster to write…
but I will leave it here…
for the record.

I often wonder what life would have been like if our mother didn't procreate every year for 10 straight.
If she had used contraception effectively our dynamics may have been very different. It is a futile exercise…but I do think about it.

How would I respond to such an ignorant statement? My mind cycles back to "2 wrongs don't make a right"… how could assaulting and violating women make rape acceptable? That is all about fear, coercion and controlling. How about we rape every man that has sex with a prostitute, uses condoms or masterbates? They are just as guilty of preventing life.

I have to think about this.

I read an article about 50 Shades of Grey…the popular novel that is being made into a movie. I did not read the book but it is extremely popular, with men and women, and it is based upon intimate partner violence. I spoke with the director of the DV shelter and she was unaware of this…not even those "in the know" realize the message that is being projected…that it is incredibly stimulating and entertaining to watch a man control and abuse a woman. I have heard casual references to this book for over a year now…and never realized how malignant the message is. Humans are entertained by violation…why?

It really makes me wonder.
Until tomorrow,
Love and Light,

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