Monday, October 7, 2013

Owning up in public

Hello Maggie,

The new dog is here, at least for awhile.  My preference is that we not change her again, but if she does not fit this family, there's a rescue organization that will take her.  She is very nervous, wondering where she belongs.  But she bonded quickly to my friend, I think she will bond quickly here again.  This is a good place for dogs.  And I do like having them around.

I have considered having another roommate, but with my daughter and the baby, it just seems like too much. I talked to someone who was in dire straights - it was a possibility and I was a little nervous about the idea.  But she decided to move back to the city.

It is interesting that charity insulated the rich from the poor.  But I think it;s the very wealthy that shield themselves completely.  I am too tired to look up statistics, but I have read that the very wealthy donate the least, by percentage.  I feel like we have a caste system here, but it is hidden and so we can ignore it.  Or it is so normal, so comfortable that we don;t question it.

When you asked how many people played and replayed threatening situations in their head, first I think people need a little more time with the question - to own it.  But second, if no one else owns up - who is going to be first to admit in public?  That doesn't mean they're not thinking about it.

We had a birthday dinner last evening.  I thought the chaos went well, but today sibs are complaining about each other.  I am tired...I love them all, though.

Tired in general , so I'm off to bed...

Love you, Clare

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