Thursday, October 3, 2013


You are taking a scientific writing course that is emphasizing active voice!  I am shocked.  Every scientific article I read is is passive voice.  I thought it was a requirement.  It's easier to stand outside your work when you use passive!  I hope you are having fun with the course.

Interesting question:  Is it me or my role as oldest child.  I remember a popular book - maybe back in the 80's that explored the personalities of people based on their position in the family.  The funny thing is that I think our youngest is more in charge than I am,Maybe we reversed roles somehow.

I'm glad you are feeling better.

I was thinking about friends today and realized that I listed you and S#3 as my close friends.  I stopped for a minute, then thought,  "Sisters can be friends."  I always felt so blocked because you were all so much younger than me, and all came of age after I left home.  I always felt like you all had a tight connection that didn't include me, just because of age and position in the family.  Maybe I am finally overcoming that.

I still don't know  the youngest girls very well.  And I don't interact with the brothers very often..

Life in our family.

Talked to Mom this week.  They are still exploring their new home, finding things they like.  So it's still good...

Family birthday this weekend.  Looking forward to seeing most of my kids.

Not much inspiration today.  But there's an eclipse later this month.  Every eclipse of the past few years has brought something - a revelation of some sort.  Am I ready for what is next???

Sleep well little sister!


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