Tuesday, October 1, 2013

many hats

The grasshopper image is interesting. Sitting quietly for a long period and then jumping forward to a new spot. But, inside their brains I would bet they are never quiet. I would expect them to be scanning and evaluating all of the time. I wonder what the image of a Praying Mantid being restrained or subdued by the grasshopper means...curious.

I had 2 opportunities to reflect today. I was asked to write a draft for the introduction to the blog. I decided to invest myself personally in the blog, so I chose to introduce myself from a career/professional perspective. I was also asked to forward some biographical information for the talk that I am doing in 2 weeks. Each time I came back to the phrase, "I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, friend, musician, pet owner, advocate, physician, educator and social worker." I know similar phrases have been used in the past by others, but I've never publicly identified myself in relationship to other people, with the exception of being my kids' Mom. I wear many hats. It made me consider the interconnected web that we each have which intersects with others' around us. There is a message somewhere in this, I will have to think about it. 
I was reading a paper on resilience today. It seems that the personality type that refuses to acknowledge that "bad stuff" happened to them are more likely to have later problems. Those that either focused on tasks to help themselves or that could communicate their emotional reactions were much healthier in the long run. So that Isolate, Silence, Shame cycle does set us up for problems in life. 

I didn't sleep well last night either. After I laid down I began to cough. I was up until after 12:20 because of this coughing. I really did not want to get out of bed this morning.

I took the dog for another vet visit yesterday. She was very groggy, but perked up after they drew blood. She had a phenobarb level that was within the therapeutic range. She is having an MRI tomorrow to look for intracranial problems. I was really hoping that the phenobarb level would be high and then we could just cut her dose. 

Sorry, not much to tell you about.
That's all for today,

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