Saturday, October 12, 2013

Images and memories


I am glad that you are connecting with the needs you as much as you need it (sorry I am not sure if the dog is male or female).

I gave a talk today, Stress, Your Health and Strengthening Resilience...or something to that nature. It went really well. I was talking about connection and how important it is for healing and health and had the image of a baby nursing...not knowing it is separate from her mom...I asked them to remember a time when they held a baby against their on skin complete that felt. That's the connection we need with others. While I was describing it, I had a rush of sensation of holding one of my babies, nursing, and snuggling. It was such a wonderful sensation.

I also recalled a funny story about ruminating on past stresses...Many years ago I rear ended a car because I was still distracted by an argument I had several hours before. I shared some of the wisdom from the Brene Brown videos and I shared the concept of Wabi Sabi. It turned out to be an eclectic mixture of information and wisdom from many different sources. I talked about the need for prevention of all interpersonal violence. One woman asked me if I would present for other groups. I told her that it would be an honor because the message of violence prevention is so incredibly important and many people should hear it. I didn't have a card with contact information on it, so I hope that she can find me in the future.

I handed out my CD's today also. I felt it was appropriate for a women's day conference. I hope they enjoy it.

I have been tearing up on and off all day. It feels good.

So, have you picked up the second doll yet? I wonder what that one will do. It is all very fascinating.

I love you,

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