Sunday, September 16, 2012

Last night's dream

I remembered a dream from last night that seems important, so I thought I would get it down before it slipped my mind.  I think the whole dream took place in and around the house that is me.  It was kind of in F-burg, kind of where I graduated from high school, but mostly here on this hill I love so much.

There were people everywhere, inside and out.  There were people from many parts of my life.

Someone from high school who had a long enduring crush on me (remember him from church?) was there coaching baseball.  B#1 was on the team.  The coach was very concerned that the players use special safety glasses.

I have a friend from where I used to live whose kids were about the same age as mine, and who lost a lot of weight.  She was there wrapping her thighs in something to make them smooth and showing me how much weight she lost.  I mentioned that I have lost a lot of weight, and no one has noticed.

A psychologist showed up to work with many of us in the group.

I remember feeling like I was being pushed out.  Like I have always been the one to coach, to listen, to be there for every little thing.  Now suddenly I wasn't needed, I was necessary, I was being replaced by others who can do better.  Oh yeah, I believe the baseball coach is a psychiatrist in waking life!  There's a theme.  My friend who lost all her weight earned a degree in counseling afterwards - in waking life!

But then the psychologist talked to me.  She said that once, a few years before, she and her son rented this house for a vacation.  When they stayed there the place was haunted by something awful, and they were plagued by nightmares. Now the place was open and light and friendly.  She asked how I had dehaunted the place, and as I woke up, I said,  "Oh, I know.  I can explain it to you..."

I woke up still caught in the dreamworld and thought - "You do it by shining Light anywhere anything could possibly hide

Oh, and my neighbor is psychic, and she just gave me a message.  (This is in waking life, not part of a dream...)  The message:  Don't worry.

Love you!!!

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