Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Inside is Outside - if we look

So I youtube-karaoked, for the cat and the dog last night.  I could feel my chest open and become free.  It was a good thing to do.  And I tried to watch something funny.  I got the humor, but I didn't laugh out loud.  Either my humor is too cerebral or my laugh on/off button is out of order.  Not sure which it is.

I worked in the garden, seeking my herbs among the weeds and freeing them.  My gardening year started so well.  Now I have an overgrown jungle.  Last night, though, I made supper from the garden.  It felt good - on many levels.

I hope all is well with you.  I miss you.  I choose to think you are just having a very busy day!

Without you, I will simply ramble. 

While I was gone, my glass table I have in the yard, it has a nice big sun umbrella, blew over in a wind storm and the glass-top shattered into small pieces - like a windshield does.  There are shards nestled in the overgrown grass.  Because my lawn was not mowed for the month.  So today I sat on the lawn and picked glass out of the grass, and thought about shame.  I thought about people who won't look others in the eye, or be clear about their intentions.  People are so afraid of NO!  But seeing it in others makes me aware it is in me.  I have gotten better about transparency, though.  Transparency lets the Light shine in!!

Then I cut the tip of my middle finger and began to bleed profusely.  So I came in the house. Next project, after getting the blood to stop flowing - figure out what is wrong with the vacuum.

I found a clog in the hose - a mouse nest - and poked and prodded and shook and stretched and twisted until it began to crumble and fall out.  I think this is what I am doing to my psyche.  I am trying to stretch and twist and poke and loosen the debris that has blocked my true self - all that garbage that's keeping the Light from shining on my soul.  I put the machine back together and it still wasn't working...ah the belt is missing.

I don't know, but I thought about belting children, threatening to belt children.  It hurt my soul.

So the inside, private life is reflected on the outside every day.  I think the Universe is prodding us, inspiring us, every moment. 

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