Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Blocked fifth

Sorry, Mondays and Tuesdays are marathon days with work and class in the evening...
I will try to check in on those days...I will do my best.
I look forward to this contact immensely.

What is outside reflects what is inside...
I think that's true...but it has been inside all the time...just buried under the shame and garbage piled high early in life.

We were talking about resiliency in class tonight...what are the protective factors...
there was a trusted person  and having a sense of hope for a better future.
and there was having a stable, supportive mate as an adult and doing work that gives your life purpose, helping others...
I have looked at resiliency as a trait you either had or didn't have...
but it seems as if it is something that you can acquire...
or perhaps uncover when you start to poke an prod and dig and stretch and break up the dam into pieces.

I was thinking about what you said the other day about living inside your head while I was doing yoga several days ago...and the instructor on the video does an exercise where you lay hands successively on your chakras and breath feeling the flow connecting the chakras. I had an image of you with your throat chakra blocked...it was blocking the flow from your intellect (your head) to your heart and vice versa. I started to remember all of the throat infections that you had as a kid and wondered if there was a connection. Does any of that mean anything or stimulate anything in you?
I mention it because it was a clear image and it has persisted in my mind since.

So I have also felt compelled to pull out  Anatomy of a Spirit by Caroline Myss, my initial introduction to chakras and see what is significant in the throat chakra.

Here are some excerpts that stood out:
"The fifth chakra embodies the challenges of surrendering our own willpower and spirits to the will of God."

"Symbolic/perceptual connection: The symbolic challenge of the Willpower chakra is to progress through the maturation of the will: from the tribal perception that everything and everyone around you has authority over you; through the perception that you alone have authority over you; to the final perception, that true authority comes from aligning yourself to God's will."

"We fear having no authority or power of choice in our own lives...we fear having no authority within with ourselves, being out of control when it comes to our responses to substances, to money, to power, and to another's emotional control over our well-being."

"The most costly energy consequences come from acting out of fear. Even when choices made from lead lead us to what we desire they generally produce unwanted side effects."

"faith is the essence of the fifth chakra....having faith in fear commits part of our energy to that fear. As a result of our energy commitments, we- our minds, our hearts, and lives- become woven into their consequences."

"Confession is the sacrament associated with the throat chakra...Confession is much more than the public acknowledgement of a wrongdoing. In energy terms it is the acknowledgement that we have become conscious of- and therefore empowered over- a fear that had previously commanded our spirits.,,,it liberates our spirits from past fears and negative thought patterns."

The chapter is fascinating and goes on to talk about imbalances between head and heart and how that leads to addictions.
Anyway...I am not sure of the significance of all of this to you...or us...
but I felt led to share it ...and so I did...
maybe you can shines some light on all of this.

Love and Blessings,

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