Wednesday, September 26, 2012

in a funk

We have been raised to fear the wild...
the forest...
its animals...
the insects...
even the plants...
I smile as I can hear husband warning the kids not to go off the lawn or they'll get poison ivy...
he has an aversion to poison ivy.
Where did that come from?
Who believed that humans would be better off separated from other animals and the earth?

My brain is in a funk today...tired but I rested well last night...
I am having trouble putting ideas together...

The dream is fascinating...
what does it mean to you?
I love the part where you reassure the little man that the size of his genitalia doesn't matter because you haven't seen a man in a while. It is interesting that by your acknowledging his sexual fears and reassurance from you he was able to trust and enter the heart chakra.

I have often wished for a true male friend. I would like, for one time in my life, to be able to trust and open to a male and not be interpreted as sexual.  I would like to be valued for just being me...Maggie...not as a potential 'partner'. To listen to them and to understand how men think and process.

Yesterday, I was working on a educational program and came across this letter on line. I thought it took great courage to write this letter. The woman had years of multiple, vague pains and ailments. She improved after the remembering and telling of her abuse. She describes her healing, especially healing her broken heart. It is difficult to read, but the message is one that needs to be heard.


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