Saturday, September 5, 2015

still time


I once visited a website that asks a lot of questions about your lifestyle and then calculates how many slaves created your "stuff". I believe my score was 80.
It blows my mind that we exist on the backs of others. I try to make ethical purchases…
but slave labor is hidden.
Hershey had negative publicity a few years ago…
not only for purchasing child-slave produced cocoa beans…
but they also require the Milton Hershey School exchange students to work in the factory.
I was in NC…
waiting for the ferry…
discussing this with my kids.
A woman got very irate…
told me not to believe everything I read…
she was from Hershey, PA…
they're not slaves…
they're here for a free education…
something should be required of them.
Why can't they be like the US students who get a free education because they are from disadvantaged families?

I try not to buy Hershey products either…
although sometimes I admit I will to get peanut/nut free chocolate for my family.

I am having a strange day…
I want to be as far from my family as possible.
My youngest came home from a sleepover about noon and is going out again soon.
My older son fought with me about doing stupidly simple assignments for his cyber-school…
"Why should I do such ridiculous work?" he asked…
"Because it is required" I responded…
and then he lost his temper.
He hates school work.
He doesn't know what to do with himself.
He worries about the future…
what will he do to make a living?
He wants to quit…
but realizes it's not a good choice for the future.
I suggested he take the GED, while he is working on the assignments…
if he passes all 4 components of the GED he can quit school and move on…
I cannot fight every day with him.
Husband is off for 3 days and wants to spend every minute together…
while that is a wonderful sentiment...
I need a little space in my day…
So, I took off for 2 hours…
ran errands…
had a little me time…
I think I feel better.

My youngest played well last night in his first football game of the season.
He is maturing.
Instead of being aggressive and impulsive…
he was focused and controlled.
He made 3 great catches, 57 yards total.
He made one catch over his head that he had to jump up and reach over his head.
He made a dramatic touchdown where he stretched out to put the ball over the goal line as he was tackled to make the touchdown…unfortunately one of his team-mates was called for holding so it didn't count.
He picked up a fumble on the three yard line and his team scored on the next play.
His team ended up losing.
After the game we were worried about him losing his temper…
an all too familiar pattern for him.
He was the last player from his team off the field.
We asked him why he was last and he said that he went to the player that he lined up against all evening to congratulate him and wish him a successful season.
he's really maturing.

I hope that I am maturing as well as he.

I still have time.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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