Wednesday, September 16, 2015

I feel...

so what are your passions?

The definition includes many variations, but a powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, fits best for me. I have to think about my passions.
I feel passion when…
I see kindness towards another.
I am confronted with injustice.
I hear one of my children upset.
I feel misjudged or misunderstood.
I am teaching about violence.
I see the first bits of green in the spring.
I nuzzle my horse's mane.
I feel threatened.
I hear music that resonates with my soul.

I use to feel threatened all the time. I didn't sleep soundly for years because I was certain that bad things came out in the dark. This became especially exaggerated after I had kids. I attended to their needs after dark, because not even husband was trustworthy after dark.

Reflecting on this I am amazed by the sense of peace I've been able to cultivate over the past few years. Since sharing this blog with you actually. I no longer feel like a victim. I shed that identity and am stronger than ever.

We had an interesting discussion about the victim role/archetype on Monday. So many people cling to that role, despite the discomfort associated with it. It may be excruciating, but at least its familiar.

I have been working intensely with a young woman who is suicidal- mostly threatening, but has attempted previously. We are talking about identifying one thing that her dysfunctional family hasn't taken from her and start there to slowly regain her power. She chose a feeling that she gets when she's with her girlfriend. That's her focus for this week. Sit with that feeling. Savor that feeling. Honor that feeling.
I hope this works…
sometimes I trust my intuition and pray I am on the right track.

I am still intrigued by your focus on getting into one chakra. I have been trying to open all of them to allow flow through my whole body into the ground and universe. I may be avoiding the work or challenge of each chakra…
perhaps hoping that as the energy flows the debris and garbage will wash away too.
I'll have to consider this.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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