Friday, September 25, 2015

on a roll

Hi Maggie,

So I'm on a roll here. 

I read an article with someone today.  It talked about a CEO cutting his salary to  $70,000 per year, and raising everyone else's to $70,000.  I was stopped in my tracks.  Everyone getting the same?? Doesn't a CEO deserve more?   I think, maybe yes, but not as much more as they get in the US.

But valuing everybody the same. Whoaaa...that is revolutionary.

Then later, I went to the lake.  Today is was silver ripples.  I was watching and thinking and waiting for thoughts...And I started thinking about money.  About how I fear/hate those with a lot of money, because I think all exorbitant wealth comes from exploitation.  About how I envy people with money, wishing it was me.  Thinking about the internal psychological war I ignore every day, as I struggle...

I wondered about passion.  If we are all doing something we love, something we are passionate about, we all deserve the same access to resources.  Then I thought about homeless people.  And I realized they work just as hard as a CEO, trying to survive each day.  We just don't value survival...and we're relieved, because we have to believe in limited resources in order to maintain this invisible, yet strangling caste system we have accepted.

All based on something unreal, something made by men in power, something we believe in so dearly, we kill for it...


Possibly the most effective fraud ever...

Abundance.  I talked with someone today about the refugee crisis.  People know they have to do something, we have to be kind and generous if we want to remain human, yet they shut the border.  We only shut down borders because we believe there is not enough...

I just had a vision of my shut down I believe there is not enough...Maybe...Maybe, I do.

So, I was standing by the lake. My eyes were closed. The sunlight made my vision golden.  I was listening to the lake, almost understanding what she was saying.   And I got the words,  "Love me."  So I grounded my feet, opened the top of my chakras and let light energy go down and up, and tried to open my heart to spray love out into the lake.  A guide stood behind me and but pressure on me. He started pulling stuff out of my softened pumpkin innards.  He put pressure and I could feel both yellow and green chakras.  I think there's something more stones...something hard that is about to be expelled...

Tomorrow, the Experiments With Light ought to be quite interesting. And I have a feeling we are up for a hell of an eclipse.

Birthday greetings to your third child. Love and hugs from Aunt Clare...

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