Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Someone said that "Passion is the ruling force of life."  I was at a workshop.  I don't remember much more. But the libe stayed with me.

When did we lose our passion? How did it get knocked out of us?

That is what destroyed the green chakra. That is why we are trapped.  Either we are below, and not able to rise, or we are bouncing around in the tops of our being.  Bouncing around in the top means we are not in connection with the Earth. And we are Earthly beings. We need to touch her.


There's a barefooting movement - people who go barefoot outdoors every say and who claim healing effects from the energy exchange.  I don't remember their explanation. I don;t really care.  I have been barefooting all of my life. I love to be outside without shoes. I love to be in contact with the Mother..


I have been intrigued by Einstein's words - we each have a small but powerful generator of love within us.  We have to learn to release it.

To me that means we have to get into the green chakra, access it and heal it and use it.

I think he is just saying what I have long said - violence is never the way to peace. But now I love the idea of making a love bomb.  I just hate the way we use war imagery to describe everything - including peace and love.

I have been trying to open chakras in the last few days.  Thank you for reminding me. I am starting at the ground, at that place where my bare feet connect with the Earth.

I don;t know if it's helping.  But it can't hurt!!

S#3 and her brood are coming this weekend.  I am looking forward to the chaos.  My house is in disaray, but - who cares.  It's just going to get worse when there are many, many kids free inside.

Hope you are well. Hope life isn't too overwhelming...

Love and hugs from Clare

One last thought - Why was the torture and murder of Christ called The Passion?

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