Wednesday, September 9, 2015

little goals


If this is not how it's supposed to be…
then what is right?
How is it supposed to be?

Rhetorical questions…
I'm turning them over in my mind.
I guess we all live freely…
but what does that look like?

Even if there isn't ownership outright there are roles and norms to keep us in line…
I'm thinking about that Kentucky clerk, refusing to issue marriage licenses…
I disagree with her…
but people have taken to slut shaming and calling her out on her looks…
forcing her into compliance…
with norms and roles prescribed by no one and everyone at the same time.

What does free look and feel like?

I, too, have been mesmerized by the migration crisis…
watching countries posturing who will bear the load of the masses.
We've been talking about it prior to class for the past week…
discussing each day's news…
I wonder why the US and Europe don't go into Syria and northern Africa to "stabilize" the region?
We're always going into other countries' business and politics…
but we are standing by despite a humanitarian crisis.
I guess there's no oil at stake here…
or other products we want to get our hands on.
The bullies should be stopped…
but how is the all important question?

I submitted an outline for my proposed spring course today…
one step forward…
each step forward will make it harder for me to change my mind…
I have to push to attain little goals or I will be distracted and it will never happen.

I put the okra into vegetarian chili…
I hope it's not too slimy.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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