Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Hi Maggie,

I had two red eft/newt connections today.  Nephew called me and the baby out to see one in the backyard, then when I took the baby for a walk, we saw one crossing the road.  I picked it up to show her, then walked across the road and put it down. The road is a far place to cross for a creature so tiny.  It is so easy to be smashed by a car tire.  And of course, I looked up the meaning.  Salamanders indicate transformation is imminent. I like that...It went on to say there would be unexpected help from outside which would last as long as I needed it.

I was thinking more about Syria.  I remembered Bush's Axis of Evil which included Syria. Syria is right there, tucked in between Iran and Iraq.  I remember reading an analysis years ago that said if we expected to get our oil out from under the Black Sea, we had to make a passage way to get it out.  We break through these countries, and we have way right through to the Persian Gulf. The article said that if we got that oil, we would not have to conserve for another 25 years.

We have been arming the rebels for years. 

But I was also remembering something a Native American man told me.  According to their prophecy, we must be ready for refugees here.  If the waters rise and the cities along the coast are inundated, people will flee inland.  We have to be ready to greet and accept, not to defend and war.

I got sort of involved in a social media drama today. Someone from high school criticized a young mother, in a pizza place, nursing a 2 year old indiscretely.  I tried to make a point of not judging other moms. She got mad at me, and so I withdrew.  But it was like high school all over again.  A Christian woman judging and the rest of us have to agree or we get shamed and ousted. I just remembered how uncomfortable I always felt in that short-sighted, close-minded town.

I think I idealize Native American culture, sort of like I long had a crush on the Quakers.  When I read about their society where no one owned property, the leader was the first to give, there was egalitarian division of leadership divided between the genders. Rape was unknown.  Money did not exist.  I think of that as freedom.  Freedom to live on this Earth, in community, having enough, but no more.  Working together at one with the Earth...

I look at European culture and the monuments and the cathedrals and the written history, the slavery - feudal culture...then compare it to cathedrals or buildings, no need to leave monuments to need to enslave others to build those monuments.

Freedom is humane.  As long as we are led by the inhumane, we will be enslaved.

I agree that the shaming of Kim Davis, the remarks about her looks, her body - they are wrong, and they detract from the true issue.  If she accepts a job where one pledges to uphold the Constitution, then she must do it. Even if it means asking her staff to issue marriage licenses to gay people to avoid doing something she finds sinful.  If she does not, then all the jokes about Catholics not selling condoms, Jews not selling ham, vegans not selling meat, Quakers not selling arms will have to be honored.

Each step forward you take is a tiny step into commitment! How was the okra chili? Do you know what I love to put in chili - diced burdock root.  It is amazing and so healthy.

I'll be back tomorrow to see what's up with you...

Love and hugs from Clare

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