Monday, February 10, 2014


I saw the family email - asking for ways to support our dancer.  I have been thinking about music, but then realized, there will be music. I will think some more!  I liked your maternal overview of her life.  I hope she can make it for 46 hours.  They have been doing this THON since I was a student.  Does she have a strategy?

So I spent some time reading about infanticide in animals other than humans.  And I read a little about infanticide in humans.  Not a fun topic to read about.  I think the research is skewed.  I keep going back to the survival of the fittest - the theory neglected altruism because it didn't fit.  What if there are extraordinary circumstances, either misconstrued, or simply presented to look normal - because it doesn't fit with the way those who write the books want to see the world.

Our culture has ingrained what is attractive deep into us. We no longer know how to stop and see someone's spirit.  We see appearance and we see monetary potential.  Nothing else matters.

It seems infanticide is most likely when there are not enough resources. How much has our species caused those severe lack of resources?  And since we are there, we watch and analyze. Simply by being, we skew everything.

I have an occasional guilty pleasure. My youngest and I have watched a reality show about a polygamous family.  We appreciate the community bonds they have formed, and envy that lifestyle.  We don't like the shared lover part, but it's not our life and so we don't get to choose or even say anything.  What I was thinking one night as I watched it is that herds are polygamous, one male with a group of females and all their young. And they are prey.

I'm not sure how that fits.

My oldest read a book showing statistics that when women have access to birth control and abortions, the birth rate falls and education rates increase and the kids have a better life.  Not sure how that fits, either.

I don't know, but I think gender politics has been created.  I think it developed when patriarchy came into vogue and destroyed humanity, the environment, spirituality, the creatures who share our lives.  I don't think women agreed to it as much as were violated into it...

Perhaps I am stubborn and have a skewed world view, and am trying to readjust facts to make myself comfortable.  But I really don't think the current analysis is a complete look.

I'll be thinking.

I need to get to bed.  I work early tomorrow morning.

Sleep well.  Enjoy your peaceful home.

Love and hugs from Clare

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