Monday, February 17, 2014

A good reminder


I like the thought that these boys are gifts…
I needed that reminder.
They have been exceptional in many ways…
why should I expect their transition into manhood to be anything less.

I had a talk with S#3 today…
I am glad she reached out.
We brainstormed some solutions…
and she seemed calmer than I would be under the circumstances.
She seems to be experiencing a myriad of emotions…which is good and healthy…as long as she projects them away from herself.
When she told me the circumstances for the move I felt immediate discomfort in my solar plexus…
another instance of one family member reaching out with generosity…only to pull the rug out from under your stability.
I immediately thought of the promise you heard about getting the house…only to have that pulled out from under you.
I thought of many promises over the years that were left unfulfilled.
"Delana's don't stick"…was the excuse…
I am sorry but translation to real life is "Delana's run away when things get tough or demanding"…
they take their toys and run for the hills…
I wish there was an awareness of the deeper wounds that drive these actions and reactions…
rather than the knee jerk, primitive responses that we are habitually making…
the wake we leave is hurting so many.

I saw my Reiki healer today…
she told me that I am surrounded by negative energy today…
and that my trauma centers are filling with drama from my boys…
I have to learn to remain open, but not absorb or attract that negative energy.
She saw my boys last week…
she read a few of their past lives…
and then told them a little about their current life…
they loved it…
and she is pretty accurate in her impressions.
She pegged the older on as a 'Gatsby' type…playboy…laissez faire...very true…and he loves that movie and book.
She described several warrior lives for the younger…one of service to a high ranking official, and one in which he was a warrior-king type in Wales.
It really is fascinating to hear all of this.
I try to figure out why we are all in the same family at this time?
What lessons are we teaching and learning?
What do we really mean to each other?
But, the truth is that those lessons won't be clear until I leave this world and pass through the veil.
I just have to love them as best I can.

I hope that you have a wonderful night. Stay safe in all of this wintery weather…
Love and Light,

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