Thursday, February 20, 2014

Autism…disconnect from birth


I agree that violation creates the disconnect…
or shall I say destroys the connection…
but there are many kids being born now who cannot connect…
we have so many kids with Autism and related spectrum…
what is going on?
What is the connection that leaves them unable to connect to other people almost from day one.
When I had kids…
colic was a problem…
3 or so months of the baby crying through the day…
and now we have kids who cannot make eye contact; are emotionally mute, deaf and dumb; kids who are untouchable but not unlovable.
What is going on?

I had a wonderful discussion with my students today…
off topic…
and we are really behind on the syllabus…
but it was compelling.
They were asking about epigenetics…and environmental stress…and environmental changes…and mass extinctions…and the brain's capacity to expand and master so much more than we already do…it was so much fun. I hated to end it…but we had to start the lab to get that done.
I love teaching on days like these.

I had 2 new clients today…
both 14 year old adolescent boys/men…
I told husband that the universe really wants me to have to learn to deal with 14 year old adolescent males…
one way or another I am being given the opportunity.
They break my heart because they are both very active, aggressive boys who just don't fit into the world they find themselves in. Don't get me wrong…they need guidance and counseling…but this is a cruel world for those who are different. I feel as if 100 years ago they would have plowed fields and hunted, fished and spent a lot of time outdoors…with great contentment…now they are in a sedentary, intellectually demanding world with little patience for those who fit outside of the box. The one told me his strengths are curiosity, ingenuity, creativity and strength (physical and emotional)…and he has 3 diagnoses. It breaks my heart…but I love the challenge of finding the diamond in the rough…I should say helping them to find the diamond in their rough.

This weekend I am going to daughter#1's campus for the dance marathon. I am already tearing up just thinking about it. She has worked so hard and this weekend will be physically and emotionally exhausting for her…and yet she wants to do this…as much as she has wanted to do anything lease in her life. I will take my computer along…but don't know how much I am going to check in. I want this to be a raw experience for all of us…open my heart to this emotional tidal wave that I know is coming…so I may just stay disconnected for the weekend. I am not sure…either way, I will be back to this on Monday…I will meet you here in cyber-space for our connection.

Love and Light,

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