Sunday, February 2, 2014

Stay the Course

I think that we need some people in our life who can criticize our work. Honesty is never a wasted effort. Not that your other teachers were being dishonest…they were grading you based upon their expectations of your peers' work…he probably saw talent and potential in you and wanted you to demand more of yourself.

I still am not sure which fairy tale I resonate with…
my first instinctual answer is Cinderella…
because I used my wits to escape a difficult situation…
but after she becomes a princess, what does she do with her power?
That part makes me uncomfortable…
maybe she would be like Princess Diana and work for the poor and oppressed.
Then I could be that princess.

I did my opening exercises today, and had many people stop afterward and thank me for the effort.
I told them it really wasn't an effort…that the ideas just came to me.

We started with If I Had a Hammer

Luckily the groundhog saw his shadow this morning…
so I spoke about hiding from the Light…
and that the opposite of Light is absence of Light…
and that maybe the groundhog (and us) is most comfortable when it's overcast because that shadowy state is created by the lenses of our lives…
lenses that filter…
allowing our preferences to shine through while keeping things we find adverse and uncomfortable out. Maybe it's about removing those lenses to see reality…
to see the Light in it's entirety.

Then we sang Where Have All the Flowers Gone…
all 6 verses which ends back with graveyards being covered with flowers...
which led me into the movie Groundhog day…
and the do-overs by Bill Murray's character.
That gave me the opportunity to bring up some of my "hot" social justice topics..
and how we keep repeating the cycles of exploitation and abuse.
I also talked about the spiral staircase image that you and I have used..
wondering if we are at least cycling back to these topics from a higher perspective.

We finished with We Shall Overcome.

It felt good and complete…and most of all spirit-led.

I, too am worried about the current situation in my house. I wonder if we are setting up the same scenario as before. But, I am able to see how uncomfortable husband is…and he is at least able to say, "I don't know what to do", which is a big step forward. I am trying to remain present…even though I want to escape. I think planning a long weekend away is giving me something to look forward to, allowing me to stay the course.

I hope your crepe party was a success…my favorite is banana and nutella on a crepe…absolute bliss!

Love and Light,

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