Friday, February 21, 2014



I hope you're all having a blast at the THON.  Are you going to stay awake as long as your daughter dances?

I had to get through colic, too - the first time.  After about 6 weeks of constant nursing and crying, of being awake at 4 am, crying with my infant - sure I would never be a good mother - I went to a nursing mother's meeting and my counselor recommended I stop all dairy products. I did and within days I had a different baby.  The same was true with all my babes.  Their dad almost died as an infant.  He was severely allergic to cow's milk formula, and was projectile vomiting everything he was fed.  They had him on baby foods when he was weeks old, and that sustained him until they found a soy formula he could tolerate.  My oldest was also projectile vomiting.

I read a lot of Lendon Smith, writing about food allergies.  We have more allergies to foods that are introduced too early. Many kids developed allergies to cow's milk, and so manufacturers started producing soy formula.  Guess what we're allergic to now...Soy, of course.

I think this movement toward feeding a baby with a rubber nipple, making the mother unnecessary, is one of the first broken connections we suffer.

It's part of the whole movement toward things representing connection, because we don't know how to connect.  So I'll show you I love you by giving you a new toy...

As far as the autism, I have read theories.  A friend from high school is an autism advocate.  She is sure her child developed autism because of a MMR vaccine.  Her baby had the vaccine, got sick, had a massive diarrhea, which was actually the shedding of the intestinal mucosa layer.  There are coincidental statistics showing the mirrored results comparing the increase in vaccines with the increase in autism.

But a young midwife I am acquainted with found something different.  She showed a direct correlation between the use of prenatal ultrasound and autism.  She found something, a study or something, that showed that ultrasound can create hot spots in the brain and can cause localized destruction.

I have long felt that ultrasound is like X-ray.  I had an older friend, and when he was young the doctor X-rayed his acne.  He developed skin cancer.  X-ray went from being used in shoe stores to show how children's shoes fit to being used more judiciously.  Now we wear aprons to protect our reproductive systems, and we wear bibs to protect our thyroids. Not such a safe technique, after all. I have a feeling we are going to stop and realize we should not have been using ultrasound so  rampantly.  I refused for all but one pregnancy - the second one when I woke up in a gush of blood.

Ultrasound is rather invasive.  It is a breach of connection on some levels.  We are not even safe in the womb.

And of course there are the chemicals and poisons in the air, in the water, in our food - all capable of poisoning any one of us.  I read that every sample of human milk tested in the US had jet fuel in it.  Every single sample every place in the whole country.

Then we're shocked and saddened that our children are cut off, unable to connect right from the beginning.

Just sharing thoughts I have had...not sure where they will go.

Good luck, and lots of caffeine to you all...Love from


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