Tuesday, February 11, 2014

More musings on violence

I think that difficult times make violence more prevalent, but I think that even in the best of times violence occurs.

As I read your post I am struck by the word connect…
once again violence can only happen intentionally when there is a disconnect of spirits…
seeing self as separate allows you to view another as inferior…or not even a worthy, living being…
When you see the other are less than worthy…it isn't too far a stretch to think that it is helpful to treat them badly…to teach them lessons…God that's a scary train of thought…but I tried to delete it 3 times and it kept coming back …I think it's meant to be written….forgive me if it sounds harsh.

Today, I wrote a blog about revenge porn…there's a law proposed in my state to make it a misdemeanor to post explicit photos in order to exact revenge on a former partner. I found myself calling for a social, paradigm shift to stop questioning and blaming victims for the actions of perpetrators. I think I need to put together a few of these blogged messages and create a strong statement, instead of making partial suggestions.

As for my daughter's motivation…anything that lets her know she is supported will help. She is strong…strong enough to run marathons…and she is smart…and has common sense. I really think she will do well…but she will have to find a depth of strength that she hasn't tapped very often in her life. But, what an amazing opportunity that will be for her.

I met with my friend who invited my to costume her project today. It was so much fun. At the end I surprised myself by telling her that when she called I thought she was going to ask me to invest in her project. I told her how thrilled and edited I was when she asked me to be part of the creative process. I hadn't realized how much I missed this activity…I am glad the door has reopened.

I hope that you have a wonderful day.
Love and Light,

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