Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Speaking up...Me Too

I kept flashing back to the TED talk by Jill Bolte Taylor as I read your post...
I am...we are
I have always believed that "I am" was the most powerful statement...
but after I saw that video I realize that that statement propagates the disconnect...
I have to rethink this.

So I sat with a state senator today asking for money for domestic violence...speaking about the need and the continued cycle that occurs...He offered verbal support but said that funding is very tight all over...and Blah, Blah, Blah.

Then on the way back I was riding with the director of the shelter, we were talking about effective outreach...I suggested an ad that had people stepping forward, joining hands and saying Me Too...I even thought of "Break the silence, Break the cycle". She really liked it. I was surprised, and very happy that she understood the concept.

Then, I had class, the last class that I had a group presentation on domestic violence and a prevention program. This project was fraught with serious frustration because most of the group was treating it as just an assignment to do before graduation. At the end we all had to reflect on the process, and the first two men spoke of not being organized or not caring about DV at all...
and I had to speak up.
I stepped forward and said,
"I am passionate about DV. I care very deeply because I am a survivor of abuse. This project was more than an assignment and I am committed to it."
Well, that got their attention and drew apologies, which was not my intention. I just wanted them to understand that this is closer than they know. I feel good about the honesty and the disclosure.

sometimes things just need to be said.

I love you,

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