Sunday, April 21, 2013

images from your dreams

Hello Claire,

I keep re-eading your dream...
I was getting caught up by the slit wrists...
It just engaged my attention...
and I was taken back to my residency days when a young women came into the ER with multiple knife wounds up and down her arms and thighs. There were even some on her abdomen. What made this really intriguing and sad was that the wounds were self inflicted. When I talked with her she denied suicidal intention...she was trying to release the spirits that were tormenting her.

Maybe that was the message behind the image in your dream? Maybe that was the point of exit for your soul and spirit? The thought just sticks with me.

The other thing that I am thinking about is that the soul and spirit are not abandoning the physical body...they are caring for it and staying with it.

I also like the statement that the earth (mother earth) has the purpose of helping us to heal.

I spent the day in a park handing out wildflower seeds for earth day, representing my monthly meeting. I usually don't like outreach activities, but I had several wonderful conversations with people. It was a good day.

One week to go to the completion of my is time.

Love to all,

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