Monday, April 15, 2013


Why can't you see your own beauty?
I think that you are beautiful and worthy of attention and an investment of my time and energy...
a lot of people cherish you and your gifts...
I will explain my thoughts on this...
I too feel invisible...
being sought out when there are chores to be done, events to be organized, work to be accomplished...
especially when it involves children.
I must be every one's nanny.
But, when I really want others to notice me...
for my thoughts, my music, my ingenuity....
I am all alone.
But, on the flip side of that...
attention makes me uncomfortable.
I crave that people see all of my gifts and talents...but I shun those that do.
Perhaps they are mistaken, or they want something from me, or there must be something wrong with them...I can't and don't accept compliments or attention well.
I believe that it stems from our days of being seen and not heard...or even better yet just blending into the surroundings.
I am thinking of the ring in the Lord of the Rings which made invisibility a "super power"...perhaps I am not fully considering all sides of this invisibility concept.
I do believe that it is the biggest hurdle to climb over in the process of Me Too...
why bother to tell if no one notices or worse, they don't believe me...or do believe you and blame you.

So cry, and laugh, and build forts...
and be the golden grandma who fills their loved ones with happiness and self worth...those are the gifts that will last.
Appreciate the little things that you do so well...
Mother Theresa is quoted as saying, "We can do no great things, only small things with great love."
That's what I will to do...small things with great love...
But my ego still wants at least one great big thing...maybe then I won't be invisible.
I guess controlling my ego is something to work on...

I have been haunted by the Motherless Child image today...
it is powerful, and heartbreaking, and freeing at the same time.
I hope that my children never feel like a motherless least for their earthly mother.
More to think about...
I love you.
You are beautiful.
Time to Shine...

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