Wednesday, November 28, 2012 least for now

I have to tell you that the dream of the crowd continues...
and as dreams do it is intertwining several aspects of my life...
confusing but interesting...
the latest is that these are the ancestors, although I can't single any one person out yet...
and I have asked them to complete a survey about child abuse in their life...
last night I told myself to persevere long enough to receive the answers, but I don't remember getting anything concrete...
or even a feeling about it.
I am anticipating tonight...hopefully it will return and continue to add information...
shed the light on the past.

I had a long talk with my wise friend today and was explaining my 'chameleon' traits...
blending in successfully whatever the circumstance...
she was talking about that being a characteristic of alcoholic families...
but I thought of the little dog in your dream...
but the part that I like most is that once you actively found it the color changed and it was no longer invisible...
your acknowledgement gave it the courage or energy to manifest new, outstanding colors.

The relationships that your kids have seem very much like a repeat of some of our (familial) relationships...I think of B#3 when you describe your youngest's experience with his Dad...
it is amazing that he found the courage to advocate for himself at a young age...
most people never find that type of courage.

My boys are out playing in the one or two inches of snow that we got yesterday...
they are really having fun building snowboard jumps together...
Life is always good...
but it is especially so when the house is peaceful.

Love and blessings,

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