Sunday, November 25, 2012

Crazy Dream

I had a dream that felt like it lasted all night.  I know I won't be able to remember all the details, so I wanted to get as much down as possible.

There were a lot of people in my house, especially a lot of extended family.  Mom and Dad were here.   I had an interview at 1:00.  Dad found my resume and told me it was wrong and that I had to change it.  I was trying to change it in a way that suited us both, and I realized I was going to be late.  I looked out the window and an ice storm was beginning.  I only had a pair of sandals to wear on my feet.  I wasn't dressed.  No one wanted to drive to the nearby city where my interview was being held.  I went upstairs to change, knowing I could not make it in 30 minutes.  I found my checkbook lying open on the hallway floor.

I woke up and got out of bed for a few minutes, then went back to sleep and was back in the dream.

I was in the city where my interview was being held.  I realized I had no idea what the interview was for.  Again, there were dozens of people, we seemed to be on a second floor landing.  There were two immense men - one was a security guard and one was a police officer.  They were checking and dismissing groups of people.  I was waiting when I realized they were looking for me and my youngest son - who was in the group somewhere.  They had discovered that my ex had been cruel and behaved inappropriately with my son.

All of the people started screaming and trying to get away from something.  Snake!  I went to see and saw a very small creature - the front half was a snake, the back half was a Bic pen.  With the help of another woman, we got the snake in a coffee mug and I started taking it down the stairs.  With each step it became more snake and less pen and it became larger and larger.  I insisted it was not poisonous, but with each step it's venom glands seemed to swell.  It may have been a copperhead.  I was not at all concerned.  I got to the bottom step and put the cup down because I was aware of the dog.

I suddenly remembered that I have been trying to capture a very elusive dog in my dreams for a very long time.

I have no idea how I saw it, but I found the dog on a shelf hiding behind large pieces of flint.  It was the same color as the flint.  I reached in and picked it up and started petting it and talking to it and it turned a rich color and came to life.  I think it was a Cairn terrier....

Weird, huh?

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