Sunday, November 11, 2012

Is normal possible?

It must be in the air...or the water...
I have turned to chocolate drug of choice...
I didn't touch it for a long time...
now that I am stuck in this funck...everyday, just a little to feel better...
amazing what stress internalized does to our cravings.
Like you said least I recognize the pattern early and can choose to eat or not to eat.

I was curious so I googled valuing children in our society and nothing came up that was pertinent...
I guess I talk with people who value children...
work to protect and support them in life and through crises...
I think that's why I like to talk to social workers...
as professionals they are so focused on protecting and empowering the vulnerable.

So how does all of this reflect back to us?
Is the US's attitudes towards children ever going to change?
By what mechanism can it change?
The key to significantly decreasing disease, crime, addictions, mental illness is a secure childhood...
not perfect...
not Utopia...
but secure and supported by at least one, consistently loving person.
How is that possible?
I just don't understand how you can be considered a nonentity as a child and then be expected to assume full rights and responsibilities as an adult.
We did make that transition, but some of us less successfully than the rest...
Is normal possible, or are we all just variations on the theme of normal?

I am trying to remember you reading at night...
I honestly don't remember you after dinner, unless you were babysitting.
You must have been good at escape...
Now, I must say that my memories from young childhood are very spotty so that probably doesn't mean anything.
I wish that I could remember more than bits and is so frustrating being fragmented...especially when I react to something in an unexpected way...then I wonder if the experience is triggering a suppressed memory.

I hope that you have a very quiet Sunday evening...
I am going to get comfortable and settle in...
Love and blessings,

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