Monday, January 4, 2016

worthy ones


I spent an hour listening to a lecture on childhood sexual exploitation this afternoon…
I still have an hour more to get through.
It is truly disturbing to hear the statistics, theories, characteristics of the "consumers"…
It is all about failing to see the other as a human being.
I wouldn't treat an animal that violently…
why violate a young human?

The woman giving the lecture runs an agency that helps the victims…
she said they are branching out to help males and transgendered youth as well.
Why is this so ubiquitous?
Why don't we see any one as worthy unless they are white, middle aged males?
Most "consumers" are white, middle aged, married men with kids and a job…
but they are the ones that count…
theirs are the reputations worth protecting…
theirs are the lives that might be ruined if the truth were told.

I heard a news story about the Korean women asking for reparation and having no voice in the negotiations. Traumatized again and again.

Women's lives don't matter…
unless, maybe you are the mother or sister of one of those middle aged, white males…
wait, no- even that's not protective.

The laws are improving. Being caught with a sexually exploited child carries the same punishments as pimping them…at least that's a step in the right direction.

I am not sure I'd like to live in the tropics…
I love the seasons…
I could live without air-conditioning though…
it gives me headaches.

I'd love for youth share more books…
I'm working hard right now to put this course together…
but once that's done I will have time for reading again.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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