Sunday, January 24, 2016

not much deep thought today


The new agency is called Vision. They facilitate county wide projects that are focused on improving life. They are involved in health, preventive health, arts, suicide prevention, youth job programs, and other things.
The new position is called "project director"…
I will basically be learning the ropes, meeting the people in the county who get things done, and take on at least one project that needs time and energy at this point.
At this time it will be part-time because I cannot walk away from my commitment to the university. After May, I can agree to take on additional hours and decrease my work at the university if I want to.

I spent most of yesterday working outside clearing snow. It took 3 clearings to actually make the driveway and sidewalks clear. It is hard work, but I love to be outside in the snow. It's pure, and no one bothers me…kind of like mowing the lawn. The cold was not fun, but if I kept moving it was comfortable.

My kid has off school tomorrow because the back roads and parking lots aren't cleared yet. I went to pick up my young men and got stuck on the hill up to the house. It literally took about half and hour of trying to drive up and spinning the tires to finally give up and back down…very carefully. We got home safely thankfully. I'm going to have husband drive them home in his 4 wheel drive jeep.

My son wants to study marketing. He is taking 2 classes this semester Intro to Marketing and Painting. He has both classes on Tues/Thurs. It's a good balance for him. He rally enjoyed the first class in each…a good start. I'm thankful.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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