Saturday, January 23, 2016



It is a snowy, cold day…
and yet there is beauty in it.
The snow is still pure and white.
The railings of my deck are peaked, like sandcastles.
There is snow on my evergreen decorations under my outdoor lights, still left from the holidays…
green, red, brown and whites…
My boys are both home…
both of their restaurants have closed for the day…
so we are just hanging out…
very comfortably.

My older son started college classes this past week. He was SO excited when he came home after class. He is animated and excited to get into these classes. It's great to see him alive again…
moving forward with enthusiasm.
Husband and I are talking about moving him into an apartment near the school. If he likes it, and intends to go for several semesters we are going to start looking. He really needs to be out of this county. The temptations are too great…
but he has intentionally put space between himself and the friends who use substances and pull him down. He will end up going back to all of that if he gets too bored. Boredom is his greatest enemy.

Anyway, I am trying to start a book today and I just can't make myself read. I am tired from shoveling, but will have to find something else to do.

I think I told you that the board of the non-profit approved my employment. I will begin to transition this week. I have to transition my clients to other therapists. I have to transition my schedule to accommodate the new responsibilities. I have to transition my family to accept any changes that come along. It's a time for transitions…
life is good.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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