Friday, January 8, 2016

4 scary things


I found this on the book of face today and really liked it. It reminds me of our recurrent themes. I guess we are on a path of enlightenment…

ego annihilation
they are huge!

I don't feel older overnight. I tried to analyze- or appreciate- that when I was younger too. I get no special privileges with the 54the b-day so no great shifts.

I spent my morning at a meeting discussing opportunities in this county for our young people. It was good to see so many people with different initiatives with the common goal of helping youth. There was one idea that has stuck with me. We were talking about changing parents' perception of vocational training, specifically the parents that feel that college is the only path for their kids. One woman astutely pointed out that there is an entire population of parents that don't engage schools, and particularly job training, because 1) schools were such a negative experience for them and 2) they have had no luck in the work force and assume it is a dead end for their kids as well.
Have we become this hopeless?
Have we lost the sense of bettering our children's fate?
How very sad.
Perhaps it needs to be reframed…
perhaps the lesson is right under the surface of this…
perhaps we need to redefine success and the journey of life.

Lots to think about.
Love and Light beautiful sister,

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