Wednesday, January 13, 2016

quiet days


First the answer to your direct question, no, my youngest did not have any perinatal problems. He was with me almost constantly. He was the only one that I did not return to work after the birth. I took 8 weeks with the girls and 6 months with my older boy, but was a non-working mom for the youngest. He went to a lot of places with me. I was very busy with his siblings, so he came along. He was extremely sensitive from the beginning. I had to seriously alter my diet when he was 6 months because he was developing eczema and ear infections. Once I eliminated dairy from my diet he cleared- for the most part. I breast fed him until about 17 months. He had multiple food allergies despite the breast feeding.

I am about half way through the Story of B, I had a very quiet day yesterday and took the  opportunity to read. It is amazing, how twisted the story has become. Humans were/are created to rule the world. I cannot believe how blind we all are (most anyway). I do believe that any humans who survive this mass extinction that we are presently experiencing will be indigenous people -Leavers. It is sad how deceived we've been. It is also amazingly eye opening that some of the most evil corporations are the agribusinesses. It is so much clearer now.

We do need to allow for prolonged attachments. How do we accomplish that and still allow women equal access to employment and opportunity? How do we satisfy both of those simultaneously? I chose to have children and make them my first priority. Even as a part-time professional I was discriminated against in pay and hours. I was never taken seriously for management. I never had enough time in to establish seniority. So, at 54, I am still building a career. I told the board president on Monday, "I am not worried about a large salary. I want to do meaningful work." But, would they consider a man taking less than a decent salary for the same work? They would be embarrassed to make the offer, afraid of insulting him. But, I spoke truth, and I stand by the statement.

That's all for now. Husband and youngest are out at a hockey game for the evening. I am going to try to finish B tonight. I am afraid the woman is going to be killed and then the priest becomes B and he's killed…I hope I'm wrong.
Love and Light beautiful sister,

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