Thursday, January 21, 2016

growth is good


Love thy neighbor as yourself

That's one statement from the bible that I believe. So, we do not love others until we love our own, imperfect self. We all have shit to hide. We all have those imperfections that we believe disqualify us from being truly lovable. We all know the secrets of our hearts. But we are all lovable.

I have clients, who before they confide a secret to me, preface it with, "you won't think the same about me after I tell you this." They are correct. I never see them the same again. When they share their painful secrets I love them more. I understand their pain more. I can say, "you're doing the best you can, under these extraordinary circumstances."

Today I began telling clients that I am leaving counseling. I explained my new position and the need to assign them to a new therapist. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done. It was worse than asking husband to leave the house honestly…because he had made me so frustrated I was prepared to ask him to leave. These clients have done nothing wrong…in fact they are doing really well. I don't think I realized what a relationship I've built with each one. One woman cried. One said she's been dumped before (2 previous therapists have left the agency). The other was a 5 year old who said he'd miss me.
It was an eye opening experience. I am beginning to see more clearly how relationships are built.
This job has been a growth experience for me…
growth is good.

We met with Child and Youth yesterday. We had a lot of questions answered and I believe that we are going to move forward with fostering. The recommendation is to take the older brother home at this point and continue weekly visitation with the younger. The group home representative said the younger is acting out frequently and will sabotage the older's chance at permanence at this point. So, husband and I will figure out a time line and move forward. I am relieved by the recommendation because I am so comfortable with the older boy…and still understand there will be testing of boundaries and issues that surface. It will be more easily manageable for all of us.

I've been interrupted twice during the writing of this, so it may not flow well…
Love and Light beautiful sister,

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