Tuesday, January 26, 2016

What are we to do?


I'm sorry, my days have gotten away from me. I sat down and posted a few sentences last night, but am not sure where they went.

The world is insane. I am still raw from reading Ishmael and The Story of B…
we are on the wrong path…
we have all been taught (brainwashed) that this is correct…
humans are meant to dominate the earth…
to hell with harmonious interdependence.
I have been talking interdependence…
"circle of life"…
give and take equally for years.
It is one of the gifts that I've received from teaching biology again…
seeing, so clearly, how dependent species are on one another.
And yet we still take and take and take…
it's dominance and greed.

Children, and all beings, are being stressed to their capacity to endure. You explained that well. The one piece that you are missing is the chronicity factor. Acute stress makes a body avoid inflammation…
until the system is spent and can no longer maintain the charade. An injured or sick animal, when sensing threat, will secrete cortisol which hides the signs of inflammation. This is survival. The weakest of the herd is the one that is taken down by the predators. So, cortisol blocks redness, swelling, pain, fever, and makes that animal appear healthier. After a long period of chronic stress the body shuts down the HPA axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) and cannot mount a cortisol spike when acutely stressed. That's when you see asthma, allergies, autoimmune diseases, cancers…
Does that make sense? Remember the Zebras Don't Get Ulcers book…

The earth is stressed and overwhelmed also. It's compensatory mechanisms are overtaxed and cannot keep up with the "stewardship" of humans anymore.
Can we go back to a simpler lifestyle?
I don't think so.
I think- no, I know- we are in a mass extinction. The only humans that will survive this will be the indigenous who still live in harmony with the land. Then all will be set right and find balance again- after several hundred thousands of years.

What are we to do? I wonder what kind of difference I can make with the young men we're going to foster. I have a lot of ideas- yoga, reiki, drumming, horseback riding, karate, hiking- but am not sure what they'll be interested in. I keep telling myself I am not supposed to "fix" them. I am giving them a safe haven to learn to trust and grow into good men. I was talking with my youngest last night. He is upset that we aren't taking the younger boy at the same time as the older one. I am uneasy with that too. I don't want to cause a sense of rejection in either of them. But, the recommendation is strong, and we are going to follow their lead. We are meeting with the young men and the director of the home later this week to explain the plan. I hope and pray they both hear the whole plan and not shut down in the middle. I am asking the universe for guidance in this one- for the right words to convey our intentions.

So, I guess the answer of "what are we to do?" is simply live each day as best we can…
make them all count.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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