Sunday, December 20, 2015



I had a full day…it was good to hear your voice with S#3.

Meeting was preceded by the annual pageant…
the kids enacted the Dr. Seuss book about the Grinch…
a personal favorite.
There was beautiful music…
and two stories read…
each was about listening to the "whispers" of the heart…
even if it meant ridicule and opposition from the mainstream.

I spoke during Meeting…
I don't like speaking in Meeting…
but it is getting easier for me…
I just get very shaky…
I guess I am a true Quaker.
I was struck by listening to the whispers despite it being countercultural…
which made me speak of Mary's "visitation"…
but more importantly her "yes.
The miracle of Christmas…
the birth of Love and Light…
began with a perfect "yes"…
"I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done unto me."
Even in the face of social judgement and disgrace.
The story even goes on to Joseph's "yes" to accept her and the baby.
I wondered what we could accomplish if we are able to listen to and affirm the whispers of our hearts.

I don't really buy into the myth of the virgin birth. I do however buy into the still small voice guiding us. This let me put the Christmas story into a more acceptable perspective…
a metaphor for opening to the spirit and surrendering to the leadings. I've been fighting the Christmas story this year, wondering why I am preparing for something that no longer resonates in my heart. But, after speaking this morning, my perspective shifted slightly. I am celebrating the opening of our heart to the possibility of love, guidance, and divine intimacy.

How do we extend our thoughts about equality into mainstream consciousness? Apathy is so strong in our world. Status quo is the path of least resistance and we like that. we are comfortable in our discomfort. How do raise awareness?

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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