Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas evening

I wish you a blessed CHristmas night. We have had a full 2 days here. Yesterday I spent most of my time cooking and baking, again. My presents were mostly wrapped and ready to go. I did go to a local art studio in the afternoon to buy a present to replace one that is backordered. It was great to walk and browse local artists' creations. I bought a bracelet made from an old silver fork. We were introduced to a horse who has learned to hold a paint roller in her mouth and paint onto a canvas. Last evening I went to a church service with husband and my oldest…
it was peaceful…
a lot of music…
not a lot of sermon…

We did our traditional PJ gift and went to bed after hanging and chatting for a while. I woke up early this morning (7:30) and started to prepare the beef burgundy…
I wanted dinner at 3…
then my second woke up and could hardly contain her enthusiasm…
she made it until 9 and then wanted to wake the boys up.
She was able to get the youngest moving but the older son was not happy.
We started presents in a foul mood…
he quickly perked up with a sweet roll and cup of coffee.
We spent about two hours opening presents, laughing and sharing stories…
and making stories.

I picked up our young friends and we are still hanging out. It's been a good day.

So, my last visit to the reiki healer was interesting…
she "implanted" a negative karma eraser…
for lack of a better term.
It rids my being/soul of negative karma…
It's like the ultimate, multi-incarnational absolution…
who needs confession?
I have been feeling very calm, stable since my last visit with her with the re-align my grids in 3 zones. I feel as if I can handle competing needs much better…
see through the bullshit better…
listen to others better.
I'm not sure what to expect from the loss of negative karma…
perhaps better perspective…
or maybe more open-ness to others if there's less fear from past experience.

I hope that you are having a quiet Christmas evening. Did you get a box from me? When I sent it the post office attendant told me she couldn't find your address in the computer, but I assured her I sent you other things before to that address. Let me know if it failed to reach you…I'll track it down if it didn't come.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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