Sunday, December 6, 2015

Sunday evening ramblings

Hi Mags,

Having an off day...a nice and quiet day, but...I saw a photo of a friend's horse barn, with two wreaths on the double doors.  It was festive, but I suddenly wondered why we do that.  I'm feeling the same way about decorating the house, about putting up a Christmas tree...Why do it?  Why do we do it?  It all seems just a little bit strange. I don't quite understand...

I'm having one of those many moments when I wonder which planet I m really from!

I've also been thinking about the frustration we feel when someone sits in their misery, refusing to make a decision, to do something different, to move on.  I wonder if we are harsher with family members, people we are lovingly connected to.  A dear friend of mine just had a helluva week, very much in response to the lingering effects of childhood trauma tendrilling through her life.  I feel very tender and compassionate about  everything she is getting through. This is her path.  

It seems love and acceptance must be the key.  None of us can fathom exactly what the other is going through, which hurts are in the part of the swamp that are currently stopping all process.

I think we need love and compassion, which means losing the frustration. 

It almost seems that to be a counselor, you must be a channeler.  You must listen to both the human being you have the honor of working with/learning from, and to Spirit.  Both offer the gift of diving into Love.

I don;t feel like I'm making much sense. My poor brain is still oxygen deprived, I suppose.

Hope all is full of laughter in your home!

Love and hugs from Clare

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