Saturday, December 26, 2015

Second Day of Cristmas

Hi Maggie,

I did get a package from you. But I didn't open it until yesterday.  Thank you!  I'm hoping to find time to curl up in a warm corner and think and read.  More than anything,I appreciate your thinking of me!!

I had a family oriented two days. I enjoyed it so much.

My son and daughter-in-law asked me to come early on Christmas.  And I stayed late, going home with my ex and oldest.  It was a long day.

I came home, watched White Christmas, finished your gift and rolled balls of yarn for the next project - something for me.

Watching White Christmas was surreal this year. It has long been a favorite, but this year it just annoyed me.  So many of the traditional romances are developed around the theme of a misunderstanding.  She think she knows what he will do based on half-overheard plans from someone who was not part of the conversation.  She shuts down, and freezes him out, and he tries to woo her.  And I'm sitting her, knitting needles in hand, telling the image on the screen, "Oh for crying out loud, just ask him. Give him a chance to speak, explain himself.  What is wrong with you?"

In the end, she realizes she is wrong, comes back and idolizes him again. He has no idea what happened, but he is happy to be idolized.

What is wrong with having a romance with good communication, no drama and just a lot of peace and fun?  Would that sell?  Do we need drama to be interested - or maybe to feel alive?

I guess the question is: Does life really have to be a soap opera?

That's where I am today!  And I realize,  sometimes it is fun to analyze romantic movies...hone it down to a sentence or two. That is when they become educational!

I am also considering my life.  I am aware that it is almost New Years, and this year, I am seriously contemplating my resolutions. I am very aware that this is the year I will have completed 60 rides around the sun...time for a new decade, something new.  But besides being open, I'm not sure which direction to go...

Since I read your post last night,   I have been thinking about the power of negative karma.  Do we need it for balance?  Maybe, once we become aware enough of who we have been - can we release it and thereby move forward?  How does it affect our wisdom? And, I hope the loss impacts our fear.  You'll have to keep me posted on changes. Interesting idea...

Happy Second Day of Christmas!

Love and hugs from Maggie

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