Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Lessons in archetypes


Me too, like everything has a Light and Shadow side.
I want to be like everyone else…
I want to be an individual.
I'm not sure what I want.

You have lived without social comforts for many years.
You have lived isolated for many years.
You have lived your truths for many years.
You have made difficult choices…the road less traveled…for many years.
Your life…from the outside…seems fulfilling.
You answer to yourself…no one else.
You are independent…and yet you are surrounded by your children.
You make conscious choices…
some of which are hard to follow through on…
but you have the tenacity to see them through.
I admire your courage.
I am proud that you are my sister.

I am just finishing Archetypes by Caroline Myss. She goes through the most prominent female archetypes of our time. Of course, Caregiver is one of them. But the light side of caregiver is very positive. Do we really nurture and care for others because we feel unworthy to be cared for? Or, is it an ancient archetype that we happen to be ruled/directed by? I found that I identify strongly with the caregiver, but also the mystic, advocate, and intellect. It was really interesting reading the rebel in light of my youngest's latest escapades.

My youngest is talking with his shadow about giving up illegal substances in his life. I am really pleased that they are having this conversation so early in his walking. I had a conversation with the older son about his friend (I mentioned that previously). He told me that he has tried to find something to accept about this young man, but his actions were so dark that he cannot. He gave me examples and I agree, it is hard to forgive those types of actions. I asked him to consider how dark his life must be to choose those behaviors. I also asked him to reframe his vengeance towards a hope for justice to come from all of this. I cannot remember if I told you, but I interviewed this young man 2 weeks ago at the office. His story made me cry…cruelty, dysfunction, instability, self loathing. It makes me acutely aware that we cannot ever judge anyone's actions because we just never know the circumstances of their lives.

I feel as if I have let go of most of my fear, hatred, and judgements from the past. I feel as if the concept of "Heart of Peace" has really helped me to move forward in this. I am willing to remain open to our family. To live as a member of this family- the crazy Delana clan. I mat never fit in, but at least I will attempt to remain open.

I am at conference for my part-time job the remainder of this week. I will be checking in late in the evening. I am looking forward to seeing some friends from school who are attending and spending time with co-workers. I enjoy this group of people.

The following weekend will be the gathering for the half century birthday. I am planning on bringing you some of the books I've written about. If you think of any in particular that you'd like please mention them. If you have any good ones to share, please bring them. I am so looking forward to seeing you.

Love and Light,

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