Friday, May 10, 2013

Life's lessons don't lessen us.

I am proud of my accomplishments, but for different reasons...

I began this degree at a point in my life when I was searching for truth and real-ness in my life.
I was separated from husband...
dealing with 3 of my kids at home...
trying on a new relationship...
trying on a new profession...
and then I was inspired to apply to this program.
It didn't make sense...
I could have reactivated my medical license for half the cost in one third of the time and make 4 times the money...
but that didn't feel right...
that path no longer drew me to it.

Along the way I have met wonderful people...
colleagues and clients...
and realized how much common ground there is in humans...
we look different, talk different, even perceive ourselves as separate and different,
but we are more alike than different.
Each time I would learn something about human behavior, either from books or interactions,
I felt the bond.
I felt the commonality of human nature.
What is amazing is that, despite that fact, we spend our lives believing we are superior to some, but inferior to others...for a myriad of reasons we find boundaries that separate us from the others.

Now that I am finishing, transitioning, I am sad and excited simultaneously.
I will miss the rhythm of academic demand.
I will miss the intellectual discussions and researching a multitude of social justice issues...
But, I am excited by the possibilities of the future...but patiently waiting for the right opportunity to open.

So through this long process I have come to know myself much more intimately...
to really search and understand my motivations and the way that I process and handle life.
I have a long way yet to go, but I am much more "me" than I have ever been.
I have come to understand that life's struggles make us stronger...they bring out our best...
Life's lessons don't lessen us.

I keep coming back to my last post...
and the word humiliation, humility,
humus...of the earth...
we are meant to be humble...the live with humility...
and yet we utterly reject humiliation...
what is that about?

I took a wonderful walk today...around a beautiful lake...
the sights, sounds and smells were wonderful.
I will sleep well tonight.

Love and Light,

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