Sunday, June 17, 2012

Pretty Skunks and Turtles

I went to a softball game this afternoon/evening.  We have a town league and two of my kids play.  I go along to tag team the toddler with his mama - as well as to watch my kids play.  I came home with a neighbor, and we stopped to allow a mama skunk and six babies to cross the road.  At first it was hard to tell what was happening - they looked sort of like an enormous caterpillar.  Then they were just stinking cute.

We were talking about what animals have to teach us, and my neighbor said - it's like the the turtle with feathers.  Time to come out of your shell and fly.  I told her that you and I were just discussing the turtle dream, and that our brother just happened to recommend Trampled by Turtles.  She laughed and said she loved when the world did this to us.

So I came home to read about turtles - who are special because they live both on land and in water.  Then I thought - with feathers, we can also live in the sky...three in one!!

At the park, chasing a two year old, I heard a mother across the park berate her son for not listening.  She said, "And that's why you never get anything right."  I wasn't right there - she was loud.  What do we do in this kind of case?  Do I have an obligation to go out of my way to confront the mom?  I feel like I'm being tested.

So two people told me I looked good today - I look summery.  Part of me felt flattered. but more of me felt like they were lying, or just being nice.  I realized that I have never felt beautiful in my life.  And it's so weird, because I think you, my four sisters are each so beautiful.  And I know I resemble you all, but I am not attractive.  That also attaches to my complete inability to take a compliment.  When complimented, I explain why I am not the one to be complimented.

Do you have this pattern also?

Long weekend, and now onto the beginning of another long week! 

Oh - an maybe you didn't have the next dream, because you understand, therefore you don't need it.  Or perhaps your heart has not been reconstituted yet.

Love you, g'night and sweet dreams...

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