Monday, June 4, 2012

A Leading

I don't think that I expect you to have the answers to my questions...
I sometimes forget that I am writing to you and ask the universe questions through this forum.
Your listening and acknowledging is enough.

I read something this morning in A Course in Miracles that has my head spinning...
It was discussing Genesis, the second account of creation;
When Adam was in the garden...perfectly in communion with the creator...
It said,
"He fell into a deep sleep"...
the Bible never says he woke up...
after that he heard the lies of the serpent...
was afraid when God (the Light) came to visit...
and the nightmare began...and continues?

The book talks about when you are in a nightmare and the lights go on, you perceive that Light as something frightening in the dream. You try to hide from it.
But after you wake up fully, you can understand the Light and see clearly...
clearly see you are free of the fear and the nightmare.

So let's continue this work of turning the Light on...
into the scariest corners...
under the bed...
into the closests...
and be free of this nightmare.
I choose to wake up...the real, authentic Maggie.
Whole...Integrated...Perfect as I was Created.

This will take time...
or maybe it will be a miracle...
who knows?

Yesterday I spoke in Meeting about human trafficking and modern slavery...
(I had spent 3 weeks immersed in the topic so it needed to come out.)
I spoke with anger and passion because I truely detest humans disrespecting any other beings.
Some responded with gratitude for raising awareness of this travesty...equally apalled by it...
and others talked about how, when faced with unpleasantness they choose to think of beauty and kindness.

Which approach is a dream and which is facing reality?
One older, wiser, Quaker told me that it is good to raise awareness, but not to let the issue become so internally frustrating. I believe that he was helping me towards equinimity. I have a long way to go to reach that goal.

At the gathering afterward, I overheard, and joined, a conversation about altruism and human suffering. It was much like our recent discussion about altruism...
I think that I need to reflect on altruism more.
The universe is giving me that leading and I will follow.


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