Saturday, July 4, 2015

weighty thoughts


The concert was really great…
James Taylor's songs never get old…
his voice is as sweet as it was in the 70s…
and his new songs are amazing…
His new albumin is called Before This World has a song called You and I Again is breathe taking…
it's about falling in love with someone over more than one lifetime.
It was a great evening.

So, the deer is opening you up to new perceptions…
I like that.

I'm considering something very weighty right now…
I'm not sure if I'm crazy or being led in a direction.
I have a 16 year old client who has been rejected by his family multiple times over his life.
He was disappointed/rejected again last week…
their claims to take him home from the group home just fizzled out…
to save rent money…
"we can't afford it"
"no room for you".
Anyway he's feeling hopeless…
and I feel as if I should offer him a home with us…
accept him here into our home and family.
Part of me knows it is right and good.
Part of me wonders what the other 2 boys will do, how will they influence him?
Will he rebel once he is out of the structured group home and make life miserable?
But, my heart breaks for his pain and loneliness.
I know how that feels.
I've worked with him for about a year now…
he's a writer…
he's very smart…
he knows only manual labor jobs and expects that to be his future.
He could do so much with a college education.
We could be the key to his bright future.
I'm scared to death.
Husband is considering it…
he worries most about our youngest's reaction…
It could be good for him to appreciate how difficult some kids' lives really are.

What do you think?

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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